[tube a=”Chile Pablo Carcamo: Best Of Chile” y=”Gq3o6cpwILo” b=”Various Artists” c=”Carcamo: No Se Que Tiene Esta Calle (What’S Going On In This Street?)|Pavez: Malaena (Bad Luck)|Bascunan: El Solitario (The Lonely Man)|Pavez: Dicen Que Las Heladas (Morning Dew)|Harcon: Nina Sube A La Lancha (Girl, Step Into My Boat)|Carcamo: Nina (Girl)|Pavez: Segrilla|Parra: Casamiento De Negros (Black Wedding)|Alvarez: El Casorio (The Wedding)|Carcamo: La Isla (The Island)|Bascunan: P’A Mar Adentro (For Sailing)|Parra: Volver A Los 17 (To Be 17 Again)|Anonymous: Manta De 3 Colores (Poncho Of 3 Colours)|Traditional: Comencemos Por Aqui (We Begin Here)|Carcamo: Cancion Para Chiloe (X) – Cancion Para Chiloe|Anonymous: Negro Cachimbo (The Black Miner)” d=”NAXOS” e=”2007.01.01″ f=”월드뮤직” g=”3865333″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Pablo Carcamo|Antje Schau|Ulrich Stiegler|Alfredo Fernando” k=”pablo-carcamo|antje-schau|ulrich-stiegler|alfredo-fernando” l=”naxos” m=”weoldeumyujig” n=”” h=””]

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