[tube a=”Doner Bombers Compilation, Vol. 5″ y=”xqbb-6wdHkg” b=”Various Artists” c=”Bullet in the Air (Feat. David Blank)|Love or Die (Feat. Kinck)|My Enemy (Feat. Eskayi)|Lose Myself (Feat. Rae Hall, David Blank)|Love on Fire (Feat. Kate Wild)|It’s You (I See) (Feat. David Blank)|When I Think About You|No Fight|Get Away|Squad Game (Feat. Eskayi)|G’z in da Streez|Deep Undercover (Feat. Eskayi)|Show Me the Way” d=”(주)플럭서스” e=”2017.06.09″ f=”POP” g=”4155939″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Andrea Piraz|Kimbo|Retrohandz|Denis Elezi|Tami|Sonny Denja|Big Fish|Kharfi|Kende|Aquadrop|Dasko|Astra” k=”andrea-piraz|kimbo-2|retrohandz|denis-elezi|tami|sonny-denja|big-fish|kharfi|kende|aquadrop|dasko|astra” l=”ju-peulreogseoseu” m=”pop” n=”” h=””]