[tube a=”80s Aerobic Hits: Workout Session, Vol. 1 (140-159 Bpm Mixed Workout Music Ideal for Hi-Low Impact)” y=”8CwC30r4vNk” b=”Various Artists” c=”Open Your Heart (140 Bpm)|Tarzan Boy (142 Bpm)|Bad (144 Bpm)|Always On My Mind (146 Bpm)|Rush Hour (148 Bpm)|Total Eclipse of the Heart (150 Bpm)|I Was Born to Love You (151 Bpm)|Physical (152 Bpm)|There Must Be an Angel (153 Bpm)|I Should Be so Lucky (154 Bpm)|You Might Think (155 Bpm)|Working for the Weekend (156 Bpm)|She Works Hard for the Money (157 Bpm)|Vacation (158 Bpm)|Heat Is On (159 Bpm)|Never (96 Bpm)” d=”(주)플럭서스” e=”2014.01.30″ f=”월드뮤직” g=”4431332″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Bandido|Laurie|Mr. King|Speedogang|3 Girlz|Axel Force|DJ Moonraker|In Deep|Raffa|Atlantis|Heart Club|Trancemission|Sheldon|Hanna” k=”bandido|laurie|mr-king|speedogang|3-girlz|axel-force|dj-moonraker|in-deep|raffa|atlantis|heart-club|trancemission|sheldon|hanna” l=”ju-peulreogseoseu” m=”weoldeumyujig” n=”” h=””]