[tube a=”The Hoffnung Interplanetary Music Festival 1958″ y=”R5FL36dJQbc” b=”Various Artists” c=”Introductory Music Played in the Foyer|Two Excerpts from a Hoffnung Festival Overture|Metamorphosis on a Bed-time Theme|Sugar Plums|The Famous Tay Whale|A Movement from Concerto for Conductor and Orchestra|Punkt Contrapunkt|Excerpts from the United Nations|Waltz for Restricted Orchestra|Let’s Fake an Opera (The Tale of Hoffnung)” d=”Orchard” e=”2014.04.21″ f=”클래식” g=”4761963″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Various Artists|April Cantelo|Ian Wallace & Lionel Salter|Edith Evans” k=”various-artists|april-cantelo|ian-wallace-lionel-salter|edith-evans” l=”orchard” m=”keulraesig” n=”” h=””]

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