[tube a=”Jazz Classics, Vol. 19″ y=”39xXp4ClVpg” b=”Various Artists” c=”I’ve Got a Crush on You|You Took Advantage of Me|Loch Lomond|Midnight|You’ll Never Get Away|All of You|The One I Love (Belongs to Somebody Else)|The Deadwood Stage|Darn That Dream|When Day Is Done” d=”Orchard” e=”2013.09.24″ f=”재즈” g=”5329044″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Annie Ross|Doris Day|Various Artists|Mildred Bailey|Lee Wiley” k=”annie-ross|doris-day|various-artists|mildred-bailey|lee-wiley” l=”orchard” m=”jaejeu” n=”” h=””]