[tube a=”젊음의 축제” y=”Vf1aF67INDY” b=”Various Artists” c=”동숭로에서 (At Dong Soong Ro)|기다림의 끝 (The End Of Waiting)|새장을 열고 (Open The Birdcage)|왠지 우울할 때 (When I Feel melanchdy)|사랑을 잃어버린 나 (Agony Of My Broken Heart)|상처 (Wounded Heart)|그대는 애써 웃음짓네 (You Smile A Bitter)|이별선언 (Farewell Declaration)|나 그대 사랑해요 (I Love You To Distraction)|겨울이 와도 (Though It Comes To The Winter)|잃어버린 거리 (The Lost Street)|허전한 사랑 (Lonesome Love)|기억날 그날이 와도 (Although It Comes To "Recalling Day")|멈추지 않는 강 (Non-Stopping River)” d=”-” e=”1990″ f=”발라드” g=”8209″ t=”1″ i=”various-artists” j=”이광조|손현희|권인하|마로니에|신윤미|Rock In Korea|길은정|홍성민|제3시대” k=”igwangjo|sonhyeonhyi|gweoninha|maronie|sinyunmi|rock-in-korea|gileunjeong|hongseongmin|je3sidae” l=”145″ m=”balradeu” n=”” h=”0|4|5|12″]