[tube a=”Red Flag” y=”D3sQzdLChG8″ b=”Yellow Monsters” c=”Red Flag|썩은 막걸리|I Don’T Wanna Be With You|오 나의 그대여|My Memory|Alibi|Monkey Punk|Here I Am|We Have No Producer|너의 노래|Black Monster|And” d=”Sony Music” e=”2013.09.12″ f=”인디음악|록/메탈” g=”2200875″ t=”0|3″ i=”yellow-monsters” j=”Yellow Monsters” k=”yellow-monsters” l=”sony-music” m=”indieumag|rog-metal” n=”1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1″ o=”yellow-monsters” h=””]

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