[tube a=”Berkeley: Ruth (World Premier Production)” y=”EEdM5l1vyds” b=”Una Hale” c=”Ruth, Op. 50: Announcer|Ruth, Op. 50: Introduction by Lord Harewood|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 1: Prelude|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 1: ‘Once More I See Your Green and Golden Hills, O Judah’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 1: ‘Turn Back, My Daughters’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 1: ‘Almighty Father, Let My Cry Come Unto Thee’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 1: ‘Ah, Must I Leave Thee? Must We Part?’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 1: ‘Wither Thou Goest, I Will Go’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 1: ‘See! Is This Naomi?’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 1: ‘Now, Call Me Not Naomi, Call Me Mara’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 1: ‘Where, O Where Is Naomi?’|Ruth, Op. 50: Introduction to Scene 2 by Lord Harewood|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘Gold Grows the Barley on Hillside and Valley’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘Greetings, Men of Judah’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘The Scattered Ear of Corn’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘Come, Let Us Go Forth Together’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘Stay, Men of Judah’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘I Had No Wish to Anger Them’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘Ah, Let Not Anger Fill Your Eyes!’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘Whence Cometh This to Me’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘The Scatter’d Ear of Corn’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 2: ‘Introduction to Scene 3 by Lord Harewood’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Opening…This Is the Place! Come Daughter’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Fear Not, Beloved Ruth’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Golden Ripe the Barley Grows’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Lord of the Harvest, What Are Thy Commands?’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Winter Time Is the Time to Plough’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Across the Field the Long Slow Line of Reapers Goes A-Reaping’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Dance, Come Dance, Dance Within the Bring’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘O Clap Your Hands, All Ye People!’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Go Now, My Daughter’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Master!’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Thou Comest in the Stillness of the Night’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Lo, My Beloved, My Soul’s Delight, to Thee I Give My Hand’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Behold This Maid’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Rejoice, O Israel, Rejoice’|Ruth, Op. 50, Scene 3: ‘Announcer'” d=”㈜뮤직트리엔터테인먼트” e=”2018.02.20″ f=”클래식|크로스오버” g=”5199764″ t=”0″ i=”una-hale” j=”Peter Pears|April Cantelo|Anna Pollak|Una Hale|Various Artists|Thomas Hemsley” k=”peter-pears|april-cantelo|anna-pollak|una-hale|various-artists|thomas-hemsley” l=”ju-myujigteurienteoteinmeonteu” m=”keulraesig|keuroseuobeo” n=”” h=””]

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